Campbell Piano Academy

Enriching lives through musical creativity.

Studio Policies


Practicing at home is the single most important thing any student can do in studying music. Lessons are an excellent way for a teacher to convey new concepts and practice skills, but ultimately the student’s success in music depends on their ability to practice at home. I ask students under 10 years old to commit between 15 and 30 minutes of practice a day for at least five days a week. Please note that parents will need to assist young students with locating their weekly assignments and developing a consistent practice schedule. Students older than 10 years will be expected to commit between 30 minutes and 1 hour of practice a day for at least five days a week. Occasionally, events will come up that make regular practice difficult. Students and parents are encouraged to communicate with the teacher regarding any lapses in practice time, such as vacation, illness, or extracurricular activities.

Students must have a piano that is tuned and in good condition. If the student will be practicing on an electronic keyboard, an 88-key model that allows for dynamic variation (soft and loud) and includes a working sustain pedal is required.

Tuition and Fees

An initial curriculum fee of $25 is required for in-home students. This fee covers the cost of all lesson and theory books, as well as solo performance pieces, that the student will use throughout the year. The enrollment fee also reserves the student’s studio time slot each week. This fee will be charged each year to cover the cost of new books and materials (or however frequently the student finishes a set of books). Online-only students may choose to bypass the curriculum fee and purchase their own books.

Tuition payments are due on the first day of the month that begins the new tuition period. A grace period of one week is offered in case a late payment is unavoidable. Payments received after this grace period will have a $10 late fee applied every week until the full amount is paid. If the remaining balance is not paid within a month after the due date, future lessons will be canceled and the studio time slot will be reopened. Tuition refunds are only offered between the initial payment and 48 hours after the student’s first lesson. No refunds are offered for the $25 curriculum fee.

Make-Up Lessons

Students enrolled in a monthly lesson plan are eligible for one make-up lesson per month. Make-up lessons must be scheduled at least 24 hours before the missed lesson unless extraordinary circumstances demand otherwise. The student or parent must contact the teacher and arrange a new lesson day and/or time. Particular days and times for make-up lessons cannot be guaranteed. No refunds will be given for missed lessons unless the teacher is responsible for the cancellation. If the teacher is responsible for cancellation, the current make-up lesson count for the pay period will be unaffected.

Studio holidays include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

Lesson Termination

Students enrolled in monthly lesson plans may request a full refund and terminate lessons within 48 hours after the first lesson. After the 48-hour period has passed, the student will still be charged for the monthly plan, regardless of attendance. Students enrolled in installment plans may receive a refund equivalent to the number of lessons they have available.

The teacher also reserves the right to terminate lessons with a student for any of the following reasons:

  • Excessively late tuition payments
  • Refusal to practice assignments or listen to teacher instructions
  • Behavior that is physically or verbally abusive
  • Continued lack of interest in learning or improving
  • Disrespectful comments or criticisms toward the teacher or other students

This studio is meant to be a source of personal enjoyment and education for every student. My desire is to encourage each student to develop personal responsibility in how they practice their instrument and interact with peers and adults.

Parent Expectations

Parental support is one of the most essential elements of music education. Parents are expected to treat piano lessons with the same respect as the student’s regular classes. Consequently, practice schedules should be maintained with as much consistency as possible. Parents must ensure the student arrives at their lesson on time (or that the student is ready for the lesson when the teacher arrives at their home). Parents are expected to keep up-to-date on any email reminders regarding upcoming payments, recitals, or studio updates. Parents are also encouraged to be familiar with the student’s weekly assignments and practice expectations and are expected to make all necessary enrollment and tuition payments on time.

In addition to these requirements, parents are asked to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude towards the student’s progress in music. Many students struggle to maintain their practice schedule and interest without regular affirmation and emotional support from their parents. Mastering the piano takes a great deal of time and energy, and the student’s drive to learn will need to be reinforced by parents and teacher alike.

Teacher Expectations

As a teacher, I expect to be held to a high standard of professionalism by my students and their parents. I am committed to creating valuable and supportive lessons that leave the student feeling encouraged and challenged. I am committed to using the best method of teaching for each student and tailoring the curriculum to their specific needs. I am committed to providing students and parents with accurate information regarding all payments, policies, and studio updates. Finally, I am committed to helping each student develop their personal identity as a musician and as an individual by promoting and demonstrating personal integrity, discipline, patience, and creativity.